Monday, August 10, 2009


Wrote this a long time ago and figured it'd be blogworthy:

"MAYBE there's a lot of women out there that I hurt and MAYBE some of those same women did a number on me as well. But when I put all of that 'hurt' into a perspective - that 'hurt' could fit inside the head of a pin with room to spare.

MAYBE I'll own all the actions .. MAYBE I'll have to take responsibility .. MAYBE I'll learn to appreciate those experiences - so MAYBE, someday, I can make it all up to some lovely girl met either by chance, luck or by coincidence.

I don't know what the future holds, how long I've got or where the windows of opportunities are, but I do know it is a new year - and with every one, there's new chances for love.

Sorry to all the ones I hurt, but you've all moved on now-a-days, I won't forget to learn - but MAYBE learn to live with it ...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What A Day

My Sunday had a horrible start . If I knew it was gonna rain that hard ahead of time - I'da agreed NOT to work .. it all started when I got up at 6:30 this morning and got soaked on my way to work...

... but as time passed my day got better .. I had a great weekend .. wanted to go to the movies but nothing good is playing ... I would check out GI Joe but I need a real critic . not some newspaper journalist who gives crappy reviews to great movies and vice-versa ... so for all you bloggers who saw it - lemme know if it's worth checking out or not.

Plus, I already saw 'Funny People' and 'The Orphan' ..

But what I really wanna see is District 9, Inglorious Basterds and Halloween 2 =]

Finally ...

Finally got my blog up and running ... I hope to keep it updated on a daily basis ...